Our Northern Hemisphere, Ultra Premium olive oils have arrived at last! We’ve got a great selection this year from Spain, Portugal, California, and Italy! Check out a couple of the highlights below or head on over to our Olive Oil page to see more!

Melgarejo Hojiblanca

The Melgarejo Hojiblanca took home first prize in the Mario Solinas Quality Award at the 2017 International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition! It has Intense Fruitiness, Fresh, Very complex and harmonious, with notes of freshly cut grass, tomato, green apple and green almond; strong and astringent taste, the bitter and pungent intensity is comparable with the intensity of the fruitiness giving the oil a good balance and persistence. Click here to read more!


Originating only very recently in Spain in 1991, this new cultivar is a cross between the iconic Spanish Picual and Arbequina varieties. Displays pleasant notes of green almond and olive. One of the only mild oils we’ve received so far from the Northern Hemisphere crop! Click here to read more!


It’s been AGES since we’ve had a Biancolilla at the store! It has lingering pungency and very little bitterness. This creamy oil has vegetal notes of artichoke and savoury of herbs. A complex example of this variety. Click here to read more!